From: Dennis Kaetzel To: Kevan Hashemi Subject: Re: Pyramidal Neurons X-BtMT: Tue, 29 May 2012 15:33:11 -0400 (EDT) Hi Kevan, in that picture (c), the black strokes are the dendrites. the grey area is the soma, and the red bit is the beginning of the axon. The dendrite is the input compartment and the axon the output compartment - the soma the integrating part in between those two compartments. Essentially we are looking at an AD-Converter here - "random" inputs from thousands of synapses sitting on the dendrite and each causing a small current and thus change in membrane potential (making up an analog signal) are converted into a kind-of digital signal namely a series of action potentials, which are all-or-none events, that are guided through the axon into its terminals, the presynapse, contributing to an analog signal in the next neuron. There are no synapses on the axon (with few exceptions, and those are mainly inhibitory synapses; or there are synapses directly on synapses, but lets ignore this case, too, those ones are mainly of regulatory nature). The dendritic tree (all dendrites) receives all the inputs via synapses (where currents flow through channels opened by neurotransmitters, and those currents causes a change in membrane potential). Synapses are simply the connection points between two neurons - it means that a terminal piece of an axon of an upstream neuron (presynapse) connects to some area of dendrite on the downstream neuron (postsynapse) (i.e. a synapse is formed by a pre- and a postsynapse - the presynapse releases neurotransmitter, which opens ion channels in the postsynapse). Those inputs flow towards the soma, where they are integrated, and if the excitatory ones - summed up in a certain window of time - are large enough to drive the membrane potential (interior potential relative to outside the cell, which is considered 0mV) from ~ -70mV to -40mV, then voltage-gated sodium channels will open and in a positive feedback loop that unfolds in ~1ms and - permitting lots of sodium ions (Na+) inside the cell - drive the membrane potential further until ~+20mV - this is the action potential or "spike" (not to be confused whith what we sometimes call spikes in EEG). The action potential is self-limiting bc. firstly, Na+channels also inactivate very quickly, and secondly, voltage-gated potassium channels are also opened by the depolarisation (they are just a bit slower), and permit potassium ions (K+) to flow out of the cell, thereby driving the membrane potential down again (repolarization, incl. "overshoot" below ~-70mV called hyperpolarization). Those action potentials are initiated (mostly) only in or close to the soma - "close" meaning a part of the axon, that is still very close to the soma and called axon-initial segment. The action potential is then conducted along all of the axon, which is the output compartment of the neuron, until it reaches its terminals, the presynapses, which then depolarize and thereby open voltage-dependent calcium channels, that trigger release of neurotransmitter onto the postsynapse of the next neuron in the chain. Hope this answered your question - let me know, if not. The math of all this, is probably best explained in Christof Koch's book "The Biophysics of computation" - but I don't know, if you want to invest time & money into this, as this is the single neuron level and thus far away from the level we are normally dealing with. best wishes, Dennis Kevan Hashemi wrote: > Dear Dennis, > > If a pyramidal neuron is to generate a current circulation, its > post-synaptic membrane must be far from its soma. I believe the soma > is where the excitory current emerges from the cell, and the > post-synaptic membrane is where it goes in. > > If that's the case, then the dendrite holding the synaps must be at > the end of the long axon emerging from the cell. Does this mean that > axons can hold synapses that receive excitory currents? If so, does > this mean that axons carry the action potential out from the soma as > well as carrying excitory currents into the soma? > > Which bit of the neuron is the axon in any one of these pictures? > > > > Where is the synaps that receives a signal from another neuron? > > Thank you for answering my questions. > > Yours, Kevan > -- Dennis Kaetzel, D.Phil Dept. of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics University of Oxford Sherrington Building Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PT